BY Caylo Gypsyblood

In the asteroid belt of the Terran 3 System, power is generated on Rock7 for the surrounding colonies. Terrorists have taken over the power station and shut it off, holding the colonies in blackout till their sinister demands are met. It is your job to infiltrate the terrorist defenses, destroy their communication link and reactivate the reactor. You will need to use teamwork to achieve this goal.
A) Force Field and Force Field Controle Panels

B) Communication Dish and Primeter Defense [C] Controle Panels

C) Primeter Defense System


Security Station

Inside the power station you will need to destroy

The security station to open the Reactor Room gates.


Reactore Room Gate

Coolant System

Fuss Link

Once the Fuss Link is restored in the circuit

the Reactore Control Room will open.


In the Reactor Room, you will need to activate the Coolant System, and insert the

Fuse Link into the Reactor circuits.

Reactor Control Room Gate

To activate the Reactor, first press the Main Switch.

Then press the 4 circuit activator switches.